I worked in the Fine Arts Department of the Boston Public Library a few years ago, and was always coming across amazing things behind the scenes, way back in the stacks. Architectural models, old magazine collections and amazing archives of photographs and newspaper clippings all told stories about great Boston artists and designers- but from my perspective were only bits and pieces that I would occasionally stumble upon. Finally the BPL has dug into those back rooms, dusted off these gems, and put them on display in a brilliant exhibit titled Cool + Collected: Treasures of the BPL. The exhibit has been divided into three chapters and runs until the end of June. The third and last chapter is currently on display, with some of the best pieces- so even if you missed the first two parts, go take a look before it's all put back, out of the public's eye. The material is all great inspiration for artists and designers. You can also catch a glimpse on the BPL's flickr account.
Thank you for sharing this, great stuff!