article and photos by Jessica of
Reclaimed To YouLet's recap:
November 3rd :: I met with the Boston Redevelopment Authority at City Hall to discuss their offer to bring Boston Handmade into a Downtown Crossing storefront for this holiday season.
November 4-17 :: 30 exhibitors signed on to show their work in the Downtown space and agreed to help renovate the space, arrange the gallery, and work in the space during open hours. Also during this time Boston Handmade became "legit" by opening a bank account, getting a PO Box, obtaining insurance for our gallery, and setting up credit card service.
November 18 :: Keys to the space were received and the work of transforming the space began.
November 22-23 :: Inventory from exhibitors was received and display designing began.
Today is November 24 and for the next three days we will continue designing the space as we eagerly anticipate our
opening day of THIS Friday, November 28.
Sound like a crazy whirlwind of activity to you? That's because it has been.
Photos and narrative from our first two days of renovations (November 18-19) can be seen
here and from the next two days (November 20-21) can be seen
here. It's really incredible what can be accomplished when you work with a group of people who are passionate and dedicated to their art, their Colleagues, and to the handmade life.
A montage of "end of the day" photos starting with a "before" shot:

Saturday we had a parade of helpers in the gallery doing all kinds of important work like laying additional carpeting as seen in this photo of
Lucie, and
Beth's Husband Justin:

Setting up inventory (
Beth on the left) and repairing the display fixtures (my Husband Alex on the right):
Liz and
Nancy created a wall system for hanging jewelry:
Colleen, and
Marla helped design displays:

I had fun hanging ornaments with Beth's children Noah and Abby:
Brooke created a beautiful arrangement of her ceramics:

And by Saturday night there was quite a renaissance happening:

Yesterday more helpers arrived and worked together to decorate, beautify, and continue creating displays for the 1800 square foot gallery space.
Marla's Daughter Taylor was super helpful as she made a pile of gorgeous snowflakes and hung them from the ceilings in our display windows and throughout the galelry
Kiki hung a couple of her hand stitched quilts in the space and one behind the sales counter which makes the area a very happy one indeed.
Jen and
Betsy worked various forms of magic to create display areas, the window displays, and dressing the mannequins so that we really get everyone's work to pop and shine!
It's been really wild seeing this gallery take shape so quickly and it's been an incredible experience getting to know everyone better than ever as we work so intensely to make our vision a reality.

More soon!