So I have embarked on this new project, what I am doing is taking a photo a day with my iPhone and using this app called Hipstamatic. What it does is it take photos and makes them look vintage. (You can get the app here) I am posting the photos a week at a time on my blog, and you can see all the photos thus far here but I wanted to share a few of my favorite photos with you.
When I was in college I almost majored in photo, and I see this project as a way to keep my eye fresh and always looking for details. I love that in my ceramic work I have a lot of little details and I think this app does a great job of picking up on the small details that I love to feature in my ceramics. I encourage you all to become a follower of my blog and comment on the photos that I post and to comment on the ones you love and the ones you love to hate, and what it just plain BAD! I hope you enjoy this new project that I am starting and am looking forward to what's to come!
ooo fun idea! :)