Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Yarn Bombing, Arcworks, Peabody, MA

by Kerry of Khawkinsphoto

On Saturday I took a ride up to Peabody, MA to drop off my artwork at Arcworks in Peabody Center. I am involved with a show of Boston Handmaders at ArcWorks Community Art Center called Create. I happened to get there just on time to see the Yarn Bombing going on at the Center. The Yarn bombing events are lead by artist and director of Arcworks, Merritt Kirkpatrick.

It was fun to see all the colors on each object, so much colorful yarn. The tree was especially cool and very photogenic. Despite the cold weather the artist were happily sewing their knitted creations onto the fence and stair railings. Very fun to see this in action.


  1. I saw this in person today when I dropped off my items for the exhibit - it is AMAZING!!!

  2. So cool...I was just thinking this morning about how neat a small branch covered in white knitted yarn would look on a fireplace mantel or something. Sigh...if only I could knit. :)


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