By Diane of Lady Dye Yarns
One of the unique aspects about yarn bombing is that it is impermanent. The “enjoy-it-while-it-lasts” mentality of these installations can make these pieces even more special when they are found, and can also make them more accessible to those who might consider typical spray-paint or wheat pasted images vandalism rather than artwork.
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In a world where Banksy and Shephard Fairey pieces are shown in museums, our culture is moving closer towards the acceptance of street art as just that- art. And yarn bombing, as well as the concept of “temporary” street art is definitely helping that cause. By removing the opposing opinion’s biggest problem, street artists can have more freedom to express themselves through their work (and get credited for it if they wish).
For example, artist Mehdi Ben Cheikh, is currently using the aspect of ephemera as a means to push the boundaries of his most recent project. His piece, “Tour Paris 13” is a collaboration of street artists from all over the world. Using a ten-story low-income housing building scheduled to be demolished, he invited collaborators to cover the building, inside and out, from top to bottom, with art. The result is a uniquely beautiful open-air museum that would not otherwise be able to exist outside the confines of a canvas that is set to be destroyed.
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