As part of this year's Boston Handmade Holiday Gallery we have put together a series of workshops to be held throughout the month of December. These workshops were created as a way to give members of the community an opportunity to connect with our Gallery Exhibitors and experience the joy of making something with their own two hands. Space is limited! Reserve your place today by emailing
Make a Patterned Christmas Tree
with Dana Garczewski of The Patterned Peacock
Sunday, December 1, 12-2pm
Cost: $15
Ages: teens and adults
It’s time to deck the halls! During this workshop you’ll learn how to create a bright and festive wooden Christmas tree. Mix and match paint colors and patterns to create your own unique tree. Finished decoration measures 5” wide x 6.5” high. Limited to ten participants.
Fun with Recyclables
with Boston Handmade Director, Jessica Burko
Monday, December 2, 11am-12pm
Thursday, December 12, 11am-12pm
Saturday, December 14, 11am-12pm
Tuesday, December 17, 11am-12pm
Cost: $5 suggested donation
Ages: 3-years-old and up
Play, learn, and explore everyday materials. Transform egg cartons, magazines, shoe boxes, water bottles and more, into musical instruments, toys, and art. Kids and adults welcome!
with Susanne Guirakhoo of Enchanted Hue
Saturday, December 7, 12-2pm
Cost: $12
Ages: 10 and up
Ever wonder how to expertly decorate handmade gingerbread ornaments with colorful frosting and decorative candy? Learn how to use a pastry bag and get tips for getting a solid line of frosting for writing names and other text. See how to properly attach candy, how to emulate snow or icicles, and how to create two-toned patterns in icing. Participants will take home at least 2 finished pieces, along with a recipe for the ginger bread and the icing, a copy of the template for a ginger bread house, and a list of candy most appropriate for use. Limited to ten participants.
How to Make Needle Felted Coasters
with Diane Ivey of Lady Dye Yarns
Tuesday, December 10, 1-3 PM
Cost: $15
Ages: teens and adults
Join Diane Ivey, owner of Lady Dye Yarns for a Needle Felting Workshop. Relax, have fun, and learn a new skill to express your creativity in this beginner level needle felting workshop. Participants will be introduced to this amazing craft of needle felting in this hands-on workshop. Learn the basics of the tools, wools and basic techniques. All materials required to make your completed project are included in the workshop cost, which will include basic felting tools and enough wool that will be yours to keep. No prior experience necessary. The needles used in this course are sharp and are not be suitable for young children.
Making Felted Wool Ornaments
Sharon Fischer of Stray Notions
Tuesday, December 17, 5-7pm
Price: $15
Ages: 10-years-old and up
During this workshop you’ll learn how to create a ornaments from recycled and felted wool in a multitude of colors and patterns. Patterns and instruction for several different styles will be provided along with choices of materials to create one or two ornaments to take home with you. Limited to ten participants.