Tell us a little about you and your background:
My name is Allison. I graduated from What first made you want to become an artist?
I’ve been artistic all of my life. As a kid, my favorite activity was always to create something, anything. Staying creative has always been important to me, whether it is as a career or as part of my personal life. Everyone needs to be passionate about something!
Please describe your creative process:
While I have dabbled in various mediums over the years, two constants have been photography and mixed/digital media. There is always a lot of trial and error for me in both of those mediums. For photography, I might take tens of shots but only have a couple of really good ones at the end of the day. For mixed media, I have many sketchbooks with a variety of concepts, but like photography, only a handful make it past the initial idea phase. I very much enjoy all the steps I take to get to the end result, though. I especially like when a mistake is actually a blessing in disguise!
What inspires you? Where do your ideas come from?
I am particularly fond of taking pictures of
What do you love most about what you make?
Each piece of mine is a part of me, and I love when it also helps tell a story for someone else. People often buy my prints as gifts and sometimes they tell me why they are choosing it. One of my favorite stories is of a woman who bought “Out of Town News Stand” for her husband because that is where they first met.
What have been the most valuable lessons learned from other artists in Boston Handmade?
The importance of supporting other artists has really stood out through my experience with Boston Handmade. I have always been an advocate of supporting artists (and others in general). I appreciate everyone’s ability to share tips and ideas. We all help each other grow. We are a mini family!
Name some of your favorite books, movies, musical groups, and websites:
Books: Fast Food Nation by Eric Schlosser, Don’t Think of an Elephant by Chelsea Green, I like You by Amy Sedaris
Movies: What About Bob?,
Music: Letters to Cleo, Superdrag, The Beatles
Websites: Post Secret, Free Tetris, CraftZine
Is there anything about you that would surprise people to know?
Of course, but a lady must always have some secrets…
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