Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Inspiration in the new year

written by Nicole of designs by lulu belle

So I'm sure I'm not alone on this... How many of us have a piece of fabric that we just cannot bear to cut into?

As I attempt to go through my fabric stash as we ring in the New Year, I realize that I have quite a few pieces of fabric that I simply cannot cut into. Sometimes, it's a matter of only having a small amount left and sometimes "it" seems to need just the perfect project. So rather than let them sit in a pile, why not display them as art in my sewing spot where I can be inspired by them?

I had seen this project on the Purl Bee last spring and decided that there is really no time like the present. With only a few supplies, (fabric, scissors, glue, and a wooden embroidery hoop) you too can find daily inspiration with some of your most beloved pieces...

image from the Purl Bee


  1. I started mine! I just have to get them up on the wall.

  2. oooh, I love, love, love, this idea! thank you so much for posting it :)

  3. This has inspired me so much - I can't wait to clean up the holiday clutter and get to creating!!

  4. My inspiration has always been textiles. I love this idea


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