Saturday, April 11, 2009

Mission Organization

by Nicole of designs by lulu belle

I've had bins of scraps under my desk for as long as I can remember. I always feel guilty throwing even the smallest bit away but never seem to go back to the bin either. A few weeks ago, I took on the daunting task of organizing my scraps by color, discarding the little bits that could not be used, and ultimately found new inspiration in these small pieces of fabric. In addition to pillows, I've worked up a stack of patchwork zip cases and am currently working on a stacked coin quilt. Here's to finding inspiration in the things around you...


  1. good for you! it always amazes me how much more energized and creative i feel when my environment is in order....perhaps today it's my turn....

  2. Beautiful! and very inspirational - thanks Nicole!

  3. At least once a year I go through every bit of fabric and ditch a bag or more of stuff that just hasn't inspired for whatever reason. Freecycle always finds it a new home. So I make sure it's used and still get free from its gravitional force!


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