Saturday, December 5, 2009

New Kiln

by Brooke Pickering of Bancroft Studios

She Has Arrived!

It’s been a long and bumpy road but early last week my brand new kiln made her long awaited entrance. After many false starts and a manufacturer/model change mid way through the process, I am thrilled that my new production space finally has the equipment to produce

Never having owned such a machine I was a bit intimidated by the idea of assembly/set-up/and test firing….. luckily my Fed-Ex guy took pity on me and actually brought her up to my 2nd floor studio space via freight elevator instead of just dumping the 600 lb beast on the loading dock as his paperwork specified!

Next step was assembly and with the help of a handy CD I was able to spare myself the pounding headache that would sure have followed a sluggish read through the colossal manual.

So all this week in goes the glazed pieces and out come my blue lobsters, crabs, shells and seaweed. I’m back in business and not a moment to soon!


  1. Congrats!!!! I can't wait to come on up for a demo in the new year :) See you tomorrow.

  2. Oooh, that is one wicked pretty kiln... congratulations!


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