Every first Friday of the month, Custom Art Framing and Gallery 9 in Norwood has an art opening for the featured artist of the month. This month it was a dual show with husband and wife artists Sue and Steve Zafarana. Both have hugely diferent styles, and both are amazing artists.
Here is a picture of Sue and Steve just as the evening got started. Soon, they would have no time to pose for a picture!

A couple of Sue's pieces. I love the trees!

Some of Steve's pieces. He definitely has quite an imagination! I love the one in the top left, it's creepy wonderful!

Julie made a wonderful display for the very small pieces with the shelves that usually house pottery, wood turnings, and jewelry. The early evening light was not my friend, but I still really like this picture.

The showing was well attended.

About 1 1/2 hours into the show, it was so crowded, people spilled outside! Beautiful night for it!

I really wanted to buy that painting of the trees, but by the time I got back to look at it again it had a 'red dot'. You've gotta be quick with that many art lovers in one room!
Lovely pictures! Great post!