Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Leader of the Pack

by Jill J. Burns, Early Bird Designs

More than a decade ago I founded a community ceramic studio, called the Fire Works Studio.  The studio thrived and became an important part of the cultural scene in Worcester, MA, but after eleven years it was time for a change – a fresh perspective and new leadership.  Two studio members took up the challenge and bought the business, so the legacy will carry on. Happily I will remain part of the studio as a loyal member, willing to pitch in as needed but without the extra pressure of being the one in charge. I’m looking forward to devoting concentrated, uninterrupted time to my ceramic designs

Adding soda to the gas kiln at the Fire Works

Communities such as the Fire Works and Boston Handmade are essential to artists. They provide valuable resources, comradery and community that are indispensable to the creative process as well as the business of making. It is a big job and thankfully, there are enthusiastic helpers and supporters.  But a leader is vital; the one with the overall vision that can keep the group on course.  At Boston Handmade, Jessica Burko is our leader. I am so grateful we have an organized and calm presence for our group. Remarkably, she is a mother, artist, designer, arts marketer and director of Boston Handmade (all at once!) and handles the challenge with grace and aplomb. Thanks Jessica. 

Work by Jessica Burko:

1 comment :

  1. Wow. Thank you so much Jill. I'm a bit embarrassed by your big acknowledgement here but also extremely grateful, and delighted to help the members of Boston Handmade connect, learn, explore, and succeed.


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